Menyatakan kemungkinan dan kesimpulan dalam bahasa Inggris
Tentang kemungkinan di masa kini, masa depan dan masa lampau. Menggunakan may, must, must + have, can't, can't/couldn't + have, must + have + been dan can't/couldn't + have + been. Berikut kami tampilkan beberapa contoh kalimat yang menyatakan kemungkinan dan membuat suatu kesimpulan berdasarkan keterangan yang ada.* Kemungkinan di masa kini / masa depan *
- It's cloudy. It may rain
- Susy isn't in this room. She might be in the kitchen.
* Kemungkinan di masa lampau *
- Susy isn't here. She may have gone out.
- Susy's late. She may have missed the bus.
* Menarik kesimpulan berdasarkan keterangan yang ada *
a. Kesimpulan positif tentang masa kini/masa depan.
must + bentuk dasar kata kerja
x: His name's Joko. He must be Indonesian.
y: His friend's name is I Made pasek. He must come from Bali.
x: Joko sees Susy almost everyday.
y: Yes. He must like her a lot.
Dari contoh diatas dapat kita artikan bahwa pembicara merasa pasti akan kesimpulannya, berdasarkan keterangan yang ada atau merasa yakin akan kesimpulannya.
b. Kesimpulan negatif tentang masa kini/masa depan.
can't + bentuk dasar kata kerja
x: There's someone knocking at the door. Perhap it's Rudy.
y: No, it can't be Rudy. He is in Singapore.
x: I haven't seen Susy today.
y: I haven't either. She can't be here today.
c. Kesimpulan positif tentang masa lampau.
must + have + Past participle
x: John owned five cars and several houses when he died.
y: Yes. He must have been very rich
- I can't open this door. Someone must have locked it.
- The door is locked. He must have gone out.
d. Kesimpulan negatif tentang masa lampau.
can't/couldn't + have + Past participle
x: Who took my book?
y: It can't have been John, because he's away today.
- Susy couldn't have said that ! She's too polite !
e. Menyatakan kesimpulan dalam bentuk pasif.
Positif : must + have + been + past participle
- Look ! This building must have been damaged by the fire.
- Susy had to go to hospital. She must have been hurt in that accident.
Negatif : can't/couldn't + have + been + past participle
- That letter can't have been written by the director. He's overseas.
f. Kesimpulan sebagai jawaban atas pertanyaan dengan why
- Why does he always talk about Susy? He must like her a lot.
- Why does'nt he do well in exams? He can't study enough.
- Why didn't she answer the phone? She must have gone out.
- Why didn't she come to the party? She can't have invited to the party.
Demikian beberapa contoh menyatakan kemungkinan dan kesimpulan dalam bahasa Inggris berdasarkan keterangan yang ada, mudah-mudahan bisa dipahami, terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat.
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- contoh-nasehat-dan-saran-dalam-bahasa inggris - penggunaan-kata-sifat-bahasa-inggris
- penggunaan-infinitive-dalam-bahasa inggris
- penggunaan-kata-depan-dalam-bahasa inggris
- contoh-meminta-pertolongan-dalam-bahasa inggris
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